Will Hardy
- (He/Him)
- Practice Lead, Employee Portals
- Vancouver
- whardy@habaneroconsulting.com
- 778.724.3598
Employee Portals Practice Lead Will Hardy is a SharePoint platform expert and senior consultant for many of Habanero’s employee portal engagements. He works with stakeholders to connect organizational objectives to maximize the capabilities of each platform. Based on his experience working with a wide range of clients and technical solutions, Will is able to recommend ways to realize goals and achieve outcomes. Will has the ability to translate strategic requirements and ideas into a clearly articulated, tactical vision for the end-state solution. He is a regular presenter on the organizational benefits of on-premises and cloud-based SharePoint technology.
Since coming to Habanero, Will has contributed to some of Habanero’s key projects and helped shape the company’s SharePoint domain expertise. Previously, he worked for Burntsand as a business analyst and information architect concentrating on employee and customer portals. Will has a bachelor of commerce degree with a specialization in entrepreneurship and small business management from the University of Victoria. Outside of work, he can be found racing his sailboat in coastal BC waters or mountain biking on the North Shore mountains.
You can’t add days to your life, but you can add life to your days.