Ryan Bender
- GO Product Manager
- Calgary
- rbender@habaneroconsulting.com
- 403.298.1118
GO Product Manager Ryan Bender helps organizations define and deliver the digital workplace environments their employees need to be collaborative and productive at work. Specializing in the Microsoft 365 technology space, Ryan leads teams toward the successful application and adoption of technologies like Microsoft Teams and SharePoint Online to meet their ECM, collaboration and intranet needs.
Joining Habanero in 2010, Ryan spent his first 8 years as a senior front-end developer before transitioning into his current role. He has worked with a wide range of server and client-side technologies, giving him a deep understanding of how developer and IT processes and technologies work. After graduating from the Applied Multimedia Training Centre in 1997, Ryan started his career as a graphic designer then spent 12 years working as a web application and multimedia developer on various platforms, including SharePoint, Sitecore, .NET, J2EE, WebSphere and Coldfusion. Outside of work, Ryan enjoys photography, astronomy, camping, fishing and carpentry.
Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.
Albert Einstein