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The Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario builds a people-first intranet

The Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario (RCDSO)—the governing body for dentists in Ontario—uses their new intranet to cultivate culture, improve collaboration, and increase productivity.

The Junction is packed with everything College employees need to collaborate, communicate, and get work done.

The homepage of The Junction features news and events from across the organization, integrated weather, and quick access to the vast knowledge and resources that can be found within the portal.

As the portal is built on the Habanero SharePoint Portal Accelerator it is fully responsive, which ensures employees have a great experience on any device. The Portal Accelerator, in conjunction with a success and measurement framework enables the College to understand how the portal is performing and providing value to the organization.

Habanero partnered with Public Good Social Marketing Communications to craft The Junction’s identity and illustrations. The illustrations and branding compliment the College’s external identity and support the user experience of this SharePoint 2013 intranet.


In the Kudos Corner, anyone can write a note recognizing another person for their contributions. Social features enable others to comment on and like each post.

People finder

Searching for colleagues is made easy by the People Finder’s instant search capabilities, which immediately displays pictures, phone extensions, and job titles for team members. The People Finder is linked to each employee’s profile, which provides more information on each person at the College.

Sharing stories through photography

Sharing photos via the intranet provides a unique way for employees to share what’s happening within the College. Anyone can send a photo to an email address that automatically posts the image to the homepage of The Junction.

Knowledge library

Employees can find college-wide resources including regulatory information and content related to the practice of dentistry in the Knowledge Library. The Library is designed to surface content quickly and easily through a targeted search experience and easy-to-use categorization.

I think Habanero’s biggest differentiator is their people. We were impressed by each Hab we worked with and the level of support and guidance they provided throughout the project. I’d definitely recommend them for organizations looking to build a new intranet!

Angelo Avecillas · Assistant Manager, Communications and Digital Media, RCDSO

How the Junction is performing

  • 90 per cent of employees have viewed the Employee Essentials, How Do I...?, and departmental pages
  • 85 per cent of employees use the People Finder more than twice a week
  • Just a few months after going live, 50 per cent of employees have used the kudos feature to recognize a colleague’s contribution