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Habanero moves into the historic Fashion Building in Toronto

We’re excited to announce the opening of our latest office location in Toronto, Ontario, at 130 Spadina Avenue.

Completed in 1927, the Fashion Building is located on the northwest corner of Camden Street and Spadina Avenue in the heart of the Garment District. We selected the location for its proximity to transit and the fact that it’s a short walk for most of our Toronto-based team.

Our office is located on the top floor of the eight-story Gothic Revival structure and has incredible natural light, operable windows for fresh air and a shared outdoor roof deck, providing a space for people to gather, socialize and get a little bit of sun.

A new office for a remote-first organization

Habanero is ultimately remote first, with Habs living across the country. We don’t mandate in-person attendance and believe that offering our team flexibility in how and where they work is both a competitive differentiator and ultimately the best way to support our people.

However, we recognize that each team member’s living situation may differ. Some Habs live with family or roommates and find it difficult to work at home. Others love working from home, as they don’t have to commute and can better concentrate on the task at hand. And of course, some prefer the flexibility to do both.

In 2021, we moved from a dedicated office into a coworking space to give our team a place to work when needed. Now, we’re happy to be returning to a dedicated office; for our Toronto-based team, it’s an important cultural ingredient – a place for in-person connection and collaboration.

We’re excited to welcome our team and clients to our new home, or perhaps more accurately, our Habanero home away from home.