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Habanero is recognized as a 2022 Best Workplace for Giving Back

The Best Workplaces for Giving Back list from Great Place to Work Canada recognizes companies with a high community investment index score and quality of programs that encourage workplace community investment.

At Habanero, corporate giving is more than donating money; we also share our time and expertise and gain valuable experience while deeply connecting with our communities.

In the same way that we seek out long-term relationships with our clients, we develop sustained partnerships with community organizations that align with our purpose and values, contribute to our learning, or have a personal connection to someone in our organization.

“Habanero has always been responsive to the needs of our communities,” says Director of IT Marty van den Bosch, an active leader in the organization’s giving activities. “I have my passions and other Habs do, too. It’s great to know that I can bring forward issues that I care about and find support and connection in my workplace.

”Giving is an important part of our organizational culture and impacts the employee experience in positive ways. “Our fundraising initiatives bring us together as an organization,” says Senior Digital Workplace Consultant Scott deVeber. “We plan activities that engage employees across the company and give us the opportunity to have fun, be vulnerable and learn new things about each other.”

“Giving at Habanero is a very rewarding experience,” says Project Manager Simona McKee. “I love seeing the impact of our work. Joining the giving committee at Habanero felt like such a natural choice for me, because our approach is so aligned with our purpose and values.”

About Great Place to Work

Great Place to Work is the global authority on high-trust, high-performance workplace cultures. Through proprietary assessment tools, advisory services and certification programs, GPTW recognizes the world’s Best Workplaces in a series of national lists, including those published by The Globe and Mail (Canada) and Fortune magazine (USA). Great Place to Work provides the benchmarks, framework and expertise needed to create, sustain and recognize outstanding workplace cultures. To be eligible for this list, organizations must be Great Place to Work-Certified in the past year and at least 90% of employees must feel good about the way their company contributes to the community.