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Habanero is sponsoring the 2021 Radical Research Summit

From September 27 to 30, 2021, the Radical Research Summit (RRS) will bring together over 250 researchers, ethnographers, designers and product thinkers for their fifth annual conference.

This year, we’re a major sponsor of the Summit as part of our commitment to helping grow a strong research community. As employee experience designers, we know the value of research. We’re passionate about engaging employees in creating great workplaces through a human-centered design process that is anchored in empathetic research.

We work with organizations around the world at the intersection of digital workplace and organizational culture. In our current moment, many of our clients and peers are concerned about collaboration and connection, employee burnout and stagnant learning and innovation – issues that are deeply entangled with our beliefs, values and ways of working, as well as our tools, systems and devices.

The good news is that we can play an active role in designing our future. So we’re excited to join the UX researchers, designers and academics coming together at this year’s summit to share their approaches, techniques and ideas around human-centric product and service design.

What is RRS?

The 5th Annual Radical Research Summit (RRS) creates a unique opportunity to connect with the North American UX research community. RRS will take place virtually, from Vancouver BC. The focus is on issues and topics that directly impact design research practices today and guide us to the future.