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Habanero is one of Best Workplaces in British Columbia 2021

We’re happy to be included on the 2021 list of Best Workplaces in British Columbia by Great Place To Work.

At Habanero, we help organizations build the skills and capacity to continuously evolve their employee experience, but it all starts with us; many of our ideas and approaches to employee experience were developed and tested right here, so it feels very special to be recognized as a Great Place to Work.

These days, we’re busy creating a new employee experience for the emerging hybrid workplace. It’s a different world, but our approach is the same. We’re listening to our employees, co-creating solutions and taking an iterative approach, all while focusing on the outcomes that mean the most to us: healthy productivity, performance, teamwork, equity and a shared sense of belonging and purpose.

“One of our values is that Everyone Must Win,” says James Sloane, Habanero director of employee experience. “That means we trust everyone at Habanero to make choices that consider the experience of everyone impacted by their behaviour, including their clients, their teams and themselves. It’s about building an equitable workplace that serves people at individual, interpersonal, organizational and community levels. The truth is, we don't know what our hybrid workplace will feel like until we live it. As we experience hybrid together, we’ll work together to find new norms for collaboration that strive to live this value.”

Today, Habanero has offices in four Canadian provinces, but we began in Vancouver in 1996. BC is the place we were born and it has supported our growth into a Great Place to Work. Recently, we’ve been more deeply considering what it means to live and work on unceded land colonially known as British Columbia, and how we can be more accountable to our communities moving forward.

About Great Place to Work

Great Place to Work is the global authority on high-trust, high-performance workplace cultures. Through proprietary assessment tools, advisory services and certification programs, GPTW recognizes the world’s Best Workplaces in a series of national lists including those published by The Globe and Mail (Canada) and Fortune magazine (USA). Great Place to Work provides the benchmarks, framework and expertise needed to create, sustain and recognize outstanding workplace cultures.

To be recognized as a Best Workplace in British Columbia, organizations must:

  • Be GPTW Certified in the past year
  • Be headquartered in British Columbia