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Habanero is on the 2021 list of the Best Workplaces in Technology

The Best Workplaces in Technology list from Great Place to Work Canada recognizes companies with a high trust index that work in the technology sector. As an organization that uses technology to help make organizations better places to work, we’re honoured to be included on this year’s list.

Over the last few years, we’ve seen how quickly organizations can make big moves with technology. From Microsoft Teams implementations and intranet redesigns to automated workflows and workplace analytics, companies have been boldly fast-tracking technology to support new hybrid working environments. They're starting to see that technology isn’t just a set of tools that people use to do their work; it has a powerful impact on employee experience.

“Our motivation and methods are all about making someone's work life better. ” says Elise Golanowski, managing consultant, ServiceNow. “It’s not about getting people to use the tech you put in place. We believe you need to tune with what’s happening in an organization and let the culture and employee experience inform your technology design and implementation. That’s when you see real success.”

About Great Place to Work

Great Place to Work is the global authority on high-trust, high-performance workplace cultures. Through proprietary assessment tools, advisory services and certification programs, GPTW recognizes the world’s Best Workplaces in a series of national lists, including those published by The Globe and Mail (Canada) and Fortune magazine (USA). Great Place to Work provides the benchmarks, framework and expertise needed to create, sustain and recognize outstanding workplace cultures.