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Habanero study explores impact of COVID-19 on workplace culture and employee experience

Habanero has launched a research study to help leaders quickly gain deeper insight into their organizational and employee wellbeing during these recent and continuing workplace disruptions. The study provides organizations with high-resolution insights into their employees’ current lived experiences, so they can zero in on real, practical action to support their people during this time and find opportunities to grow and thrive.

“We know companies are working hard to adjust to this new world,” says Habanero President Steven Fitzgerald, “so we’ve designed an agile approach to gain insight into what’s really going on for people that goes much deeper than surveys, producing robust results quickly.”

Working through disruption

This year has seen unprecedented changes in the way people work. What once were two-year digital transformation initiatives are now two-week total overhauls. Employees are adjusting to new schedules, working environments and ways of collaborating and connecting with each other.

All organizations are having to navigate a massive – and fast – movement to a new paradigm that is continuously unfolding.

We’ve heard from leaders and managers that they want to understand how to keep people healthy and organizational culture strong under these new and shifting conditions. The tools they have, like pulse or employee engagement surveys, are helpful – but not sufficient – for the current moment.

Three weeks to deeper insights

During the study, Habanero experience designers are guiding organizations through a series of empathetic research activities, including virtual workshops, interviews and listening labs, to help get beyond superficial issues and understand how employees are faring at a fundamental level.

Impact on culture

The study will help organizations to:

  • Understand how new ways of working are affecting their culture
  • See where problems with their culture might show up
  • Identify strategies to refine their employee experience to keep their culture strong and employees engaged
  • Develop a vision for a new and better culture, made possible by this unique opportunity for change

Building community

Through the study, we’re also aiming to build community among purpose-driven organizations, so we can support each other through ongoing workplace disruption. When we share back the aggregated results across the participating organizations, we will design the event to be optimized for learning, sharing and connecting among the project sponsors.

“We feel this is the highest impact way we can give back and help people through the crisis,” explains Steven. “It’s a unique opportunity to gain insight into the possibility for change right now. We’re excited to learn how we can help organizations navigate the risks while they leverage opportunities to make meaningful change and strengthen their employee experience and organizational culture.”

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