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Habanero is on the 2020 list of Best Workplaces for Mental Wellness

We are touched and proud to once again be included on the list of Best Workplaces for Mental Wellness.

There is so much happening these days that is impacting our mental wellness.

Although we transitioned smoothly to working from home, the reality is that we are not just working from home. We are in our homes, during a global pandemic, trying to work. All of us are dealing with new mental wellness challenges and unique stressors.

Some of the unique challenges that we’ve seen amplified since we have been sheltering in place include new behaviours around work-life balance, shared spaces, energy levels and the lack of human connection.

At Habanero we want to support people having great lives, not just great work lives. It is what we mean when we talk about bringing life to work. We know that work is a necessary part of a fulfilling and meaningful life, and we also know that even the most fulfilling work can sometimes be a source of stress and even burnout. To be well and at our best requires not only personal awareness and effort but also support from each other and Habanero.

Some of the ways we support mental wellness at Habanero include:

  • Practicing empathy for each other, especially at times when fellow Habs are dealing with difficult situations
  • A commitment to raising awareness of mental health in the workplace and equipping ourselves with knowledge, strategies and resiliency (as individuals and a team)
  • Building a psychologically safe space to speak up, share ideas and be ourselves with each other at work
  • Checking in on where our team is at with regular pulse and employee engagement surveys
  • Flexible work arrangements
  • Our coaching program, which aims to help employees thrive in all aspects of their lives, not just our work lives
  • Our wellness allowance, with funds that can be used on fitness or anything related to physical, mental or emotional wellness

These resources and supports have given us a foundation to stay solid during the most trying times and continue to support our team through adversity.

We all struggle with our mental wellness from time to time. The important thing is to not leave each other in isolation in those moments.” As Habanero Director of Employee Experience James Sloane says, “Empathy is more important now than ever. We need to create space, listen to those around us and accommodate differences with compassion.”

Be kind to yourself and know that it is okay to ask for help.

About the Best Workplaces for Mental Wellness list

The list of Best Workplaces for Mental Wellness is based on direct feedback from employees of the hundreds of organizations surveyed by GPTW. The data has a 90% confidence with a plus or minus 5% margin of error.

To be on this list, organizations must:

  • Be GPTW Certified in the past year
  • Have at least 80% of employees agree that their workplace is psychologically and emotionally healthy

GPTW then determines the best workplaces based on the overall Mental Wellness Index score from employees.

About Great Place to Work

Great Place to Work is the global authority on high-trust, high-performance workplace cultures. Through proprietary assessment tools, advisory services and certification programs, GPTW recognizes the world’s Best Workplaces in a series of national lists, including those published by The Globe and Mail (Canada) and Fortune magazine (USA). Great Place to Work provides the benchmarks, framework and expertise needed to create, sustain and recognize outstanding workplace cultures.