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Habanero named one of the 2019 Best Workplaces for Millennials

For the second consecutive year, Habanero is on the 2019 list of Best Workplaces for Millennials.

We have a passion for making Habanero a great place to work, where people build strong careers and connect with a sense of purpose that keeps them engaged, fulfilled, and thriving – both in work and in life.

“Great employee experiences don’t happen by accident; they have to be actively designed and carefully implemented,” says James Sloane, director of employee experience at Habanero. “We invest in the long-term health and sustainability of Habanero and our people through employee journey coaching, learning and professional development opportunities, and a culture of trust, transparency, inclusivity, collaboration, and autonomy.”

We’re proud that our purpose, values, and employee experiences are earning recognition from leading organizations like Great Places to Work.

About the list

The list of Best Workplaces for Millennials is based on direct feedback from employees of the hundreds of organizations that were surveyed by Great Place to Work (GPTW). The data has a 90% confidence and a plus or minus 5% margin of error.

To be considered for this list:

Organizations must be Great Place to Work Certified in the past year

30% of their employees must fit the millennial demographic (born after 1980)

They must have minimum 90% positive response to the statement, "I am treated fairly regardless of my age"

The organization must meet a minimum consistency index among the different age demographics

GPTW then ranks the best workplaces based on employee responses to their Trust Index survey.

About Great Place to Work

Great Place to Work is the global authority on high-trust, high-performance workplace cultures. Conducting the world’s largest workplace study, surveying over 8,000 organizations representing more than 10 million employees in more than 60 countries, GPTW provides tremendous understanding of effective business cultures and the increasingly complex marketplace. Through proprietary assessment tools and services, GPTW recognizes the world's Best Workplaces in a series of national lists including those published by The Globe and Mail (Canada) and Fortune magazine (USA). GPTW provides the benchmarks and expertise needed to create, sustain, and recognize outstanding workplaces, and it supports clients as this accelerating pace of change compels organizations to continuously adapt, innovate, and thrive.