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Habanero Consulting Group featured in ALM Vanguard: Employee Experience Consulting report

Habanero is proud to be one of only 22 companies included in the inaugural Employee Experience Consulting report by ALM Vanguard. Of the companies included, only Habanero, Deloitte, Eagle Hill, IBM, and North Highland stand out for their branded Employee Experience offering.

What is Employee Experience Consulting?

This is a newer field of practice. It is nestled in the belief that the purveyors of organizational success are a great employee culture, a purpose employees can connect with, and well-crafted employee experiences. The practice of Employee Experience Consulting seeks to solve complex organizational problems, improve customer service, and increase organizational productivity by focusing on making employees more and more successful at their jobs. It’s a humanistic approach to running the workplace that starts inside and works its way out.

While Employee Experience Consulting is relatively new, its core is work that Habanero has been doing for years. “Our particular approach to creating exceptional employee experiences”, says Habanero leader, Brian Edwards, “is rooted in the traditions of the design process (often referred to as “Design Thinking”) and capabilities developed under the field of ‘User Experience’. We’ve always believed in creating a more human experience as the foundation for implementing successful technology solutions. Now we apply those skills more broadly to organizational transformation.”

“It may be obvious,” says Brian, “but you can’t craft a future that your people aren’t ready to step into. Employee Experience Consulting helps engage employees as co-conspirators of their future.”

We are thrilled to have been included within the report, and look forward to growth in this emerging and growing practice area. Liz DeVito, the lead analyst of the report, closes a related LinkedIn post by commenting on the passion of practitioners in this new field, and notes a revelry in the human experience. She concludes, “I think it has more to do with a business zeitgeist for culture building in an increasingly automated age. If that’s the case, I expect employee experience consulting to go nowhere but up.”

We heartedly agree.