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Goldcorp Conveyor intranet wins 2016 Intranet and Digital Workplace Award

Goldcorp’s enterprise intranet, Conveyor, earned a silver award in the 2016 Intranet and Digital Workplace Awards.

Conveyor connects thousands of employees in corporate offices and mine sites around the world. The solution includes a personalized digital workplace hub, targeted news and communications, and personalized directories for team sites and policies and procedures. Conveyor also features responsive design for mobile devices and integration with other critical line of business systems.

StepTwo Designs, which created the Intranet and Digital Workplace Awards, said Conveyor won for its innovative design and content features, extensive pre-launch training and change management, and multilingual capabilities.

Goldcorp is a leading gold producer focused on responsible mining practices with safe, low-cost production throughout the Americas.

Learn more and view the Goldcorp Conveyor case study

About the Intranet and Digital Workplace Awards

The Intranet and Digital Workplace Awards are global awards that recognise outstanding contributions to the fields of intranets and digital workplaces. The awards uncover remarkable solutions that deliver business value, and then share them with the wider community. We also shine a light on the talented teams behind this work, and the agencies that have supported them.

Now in their tenth year, the awards have been renamed from the Intranet Innovation Awards, in recognition of the broader scope and impact of enterprise projects.