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Habanero is number four on 2014 Best Small and Medium Employers list

Habanero earned the number four spot on Canada's Best Small and Medium Employers list for 2014.

This is our fourth time placing in this prestigious grouping of forward-thinking employers. The listing is presented by consulting firm AonHewitt and the Queen's University School of Business.

The judges cited our company's focus on connecting individual roles with our purpose statement--to help people and organizations thrive--as a reason for placing on this year's list.

"People need to connect with a 'why' of what they do. They need to see how their individual efforts roll up to a greater good and vision. That's why we spend a great deal of time making sure our vision and purpose is clear and that there is great alignment between people's efforts, values and beliefs and our overall organizational direction and goals," said Habanero President Steven Fitzgerald.

The rankings are the result of an employee survey sent out by AonHewitt to participating organizations. Habanero's employees had the opportunity to describe their experience, and our company's high satisfaction ratings earned us a spot near the top!

Profit Magazine and have the full listing here.