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Habanero Named One of Best Places to Work in Calgary

CalgaryInc Magazine named Habanero Consulting Group one of "Calgary's Best Places to Work" in its July/August 2008 issue. Fourteen companies representing different industries were chosen, and Habanero won in the Creative Industries category.

Habanero was selected based on employee feedback on company leadership, life-work balance, perks and benefits, and company culture and vision. Those results were compared with feedback from more than 1880 other Calgary employees at 182 companies who also completed the Best Places to Work survey.

In the associated article, Packing a Punch, Solution Specialist Bryanne Philibert discusses some of the perks of working at Habanero. She has recently used some of her annual $800 fitness allowance to take up kick-boxing. Regional Director, Rick Martin also speaks about harmony, one of the company's core values.