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Habanero Employees Pedal 372 km During Bike to Work Week

Habanero achieved incredible success during last week's Greater Vancouver Bike to Work Week. For the May 28-June 3 period, 21% of Habanero's employees participated and collectively completed 58 commutes, saved 209 kilograms of greenhouse gases, burned 25,288 calories, and travelled 372 kilometres.

Commuting from Vancouver, West Vancouver, and North Vancouver, Habanero employees were among the 589 teams and 3554 participants in this year's event, which involves corporate teams competing against each other to get more co-workers onto bicycles.

Adding to their competitive advantage, Habanero employees had a couple of incentives that helped increase their pedal power. A great role model, President Steven Fitzgerald has been a committed daily bike commuter since 1989, logging approximately 6500 commutes over the last 18 years and currently travelling 20 km each day. Additionally, all participants got to enjoy a well-deserved, celebratory breakfast on the last day of the event.