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Habanero Featured Presenter at Edmonton Launch of Windows Vista, 2007 Office System, and Exchange Server 2007

On November 23, Habanero's Rick Martin, Alberta Practice Leader, was a featured presenter at the Windows Vista, 2007 Microsoft Office system, and Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Launch at the Shaw Conference Centre in Edmonton.

During the keynote speech, Martin showcased an employee on-boarding solution that Habanero built for EPCOR Utilities, one of Canada's top providers of energy and energy-related services and products. Using InfoPath Forms Server 2007, EPCOR centralized resource order forms and created an intuitive workflow, so managers can establish new hires quickly and efficiently. The company also used InfoPath Forms Services to create forms using a Web browser, allowing employees to complete forms online. With the new system in place, the company has streamlined business processes and workflow and has increased employee productivity.

The launch also featured breakout sessions that detailed how businesses and government can get the most out of Windows Vista, the 2007 Microsoft Office system, and Exchange Server 2007. Attendees learned about the new features, functionality, and solutions they can build; how to help teams work across time, geography, and organizational boundaries; and how mobile workers can be more up-to-date and productive.