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Habanero Named Partner of Microsoft CRM

Habanero Consulting Group (Habanero), announced today that it has been selected as a Microsoft Business Solutions partner for Customer Relationship Management (CRM).

Microsoft Business Solutions, one of Microsoft's seven core businesses, is a leading provider of business applications for the mid-market. Microsoft CRM is the new full featured CRM Package that helps mid-market companies build profitable customer relationships.

As a partner, Habanero will benefit from early access to the Microsoft CRM suite, advanced training, and access to a worldwide network of project expertise. Microsoft CRM was built using .NET technologies, making it easy to customize and integrate with other business applications. In addition, Microsoft CRM is fully accessible from Microsoft Outlook and the Web, adding to its ease of use and deployment.

Habanero's experience with CRM, strong technical skills, and a history of delivering significant business solutions to many leading BC companies were key factors in the selection. "We have been waiting a long time for a product like this," says Elliot Fishman, Habanero Principal Consultant "We expect the Microsoft CRM platform to satisfy a market that has been essentially neglected. Companies needing CRM solutions have traditionally had two choices: expensive, enterprise-class packages or lackluster contact management tools." Robust functionality, combined with ease of integration and use will make Microsoft CRM a sure-fire winner.

About Microsoft Business Solutions

The Microsoft Business Solutions vision is to be the leader in providing interconnected business solutions to the small and medium size business market through a global network of partners dedicated to lasting customer relationships. Microsoft Customer Relationship Management Partners are independent companies that receive resources and training directly from Microsoft Business Solutions to help them solve business challenges across industries for worldwide customers who use Microsoft technology.