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Top 40 Under 40

Neil Jensen, CEO, and Steven Fitzgerald, President, have been named in the Business in Vancouver 2001 list of the top 40 young business performers. BiV salutes its Top 40 for their "vision, independence and the will to see their dreams fulfilled."

In this week's cover story, Steven and Neil shared these insights with BiV readers: "all the old business lessons apply, like paying attention to relations with customers, cash flow and growing through operations rather than investments that turn out to be unwarranted."

These "old business lessons" have made a significant impact on Habanero. BiV writes, "unlike the legions of Web entrepreneurs that have fallen by the wayside, Jensen and Fitzgerald have seen their company grow steadily to a staff of 27 today."

The BiV list is based on research into business leaders under the age of 40 in all areas of business within the province. This year's list of winners come from a broad array of industries including technology, biotechnology, finance, sports, aerospace, pharmaceuticals and retail.