Corus, a leader in creating premium content for audiences around the world, launched its modern intranet in early 2023. Corus Central was designed to create a unifying experience for a distributed hybrid workforce, increase employee connection and engagement, better reflect the Corus brand and support the organization’s unique culture.
Corus Director of Internal Communications Natalia Williams will be joining Habanero Vice President Ben Skelton in this webinar. They will walk through learnings from the creation of Corus’s new intranet and provide insights on creating a valuable, engaging destination for all employees.
In this webinar on Corus’s story, you’ll learn the following key elements of an intranet journey:
- Determining what an intranet should be and can become
- Bringing internal communications and culture to life on an intranet
- Tips and insights for a smooth launch, implementation and beyond
Who it’s for
This webinar is designed for internal communicators and the human resources, technology and digital workplace teams who support them.
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