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Habanero is 25 years old today!

Ben Skelton

Habanero is 25 years old today!

Well, if we’re being completely honest, we were founded on February 29, 1996. As this isn’t a leap year March 1 will have to do. And as it’s 2021 there won’t be a big party, but we still wanted to take the time to thank everyone who’s been part of this incredible journey.

If you aren’t familiar with us, we’re a group of people across Canada who are passionate about helping organizations become better places to work. The last year has shown each of us that this is more important than ever; every organization’s culture, employee experience and technology all play a vital role in bringing life to work.

A company doesn’t get to be a quarter-century old without a lot of help. A huge thank you to:

Our people

Whether you have been with us for decades, are a new Hab or were part of our journey at some point in the past, we want to express a heartfelt thank you. We are blessed to work with such an amazing group of individuals that make coming into work much more than work. Several former Habs have started their own companies, and it is inspiring to see their focus on their people and culture.

Our clients

A massive thank you (and virtual hug) to each and every one of you. Your trust in us to help you solve tough problems has pushed us to do things we never thought we could. It’s incredibly inspiring to see your organizations transform and grow, and we still talk about the experiences we had working on projects years and years ago.

Our family and friends

Your love and support empower each of us to do our best work. Even though you might not completely understand what we do (although we are getting there, slowly), we appreciate the encouragement and Habanero thanks you for sharing your loved ones with us.

Want to know the secret to our success?

It’s quite simple: we focus on creating a great place to work. It’s given us the fuel to survive during the tough times and ultimately thrive. Although employee experience is a bit trendy now, we’re delighted to see how many organizations are focused on becoming better workplaces and ensuring that their people have rich, fulfilling careers.

We couldn’t think of a better birthday present.