Aligning customer experience (CX) and employee experience (EX) helps organizations deliver on their purpose, increase performance and be more agile in a changing workplace and marketplace.
Senior leaders know that connecting CX and EX is important. The challenge is how to make that shift.
In this recorded webinar, Mallory O’Connor, practice lead, culture and transformation at Habanero, discusses the power of aligning CX and EX and shares ideas you can use in your workplace right now to align CX and EX and improve performance.
This webinar will explore:
- How CX is defined
- The emerging concept of EX
- The impact of EX on business outcomes
- How EX helps drive CX forward
- Opportunities to align CX and EX
Who should watch
Leaders who want to understand and explore how CX and EX alignment can help their organization make progress on critical initiatives, such as digital or agile transformation, organizational growth, diversity and inclusion, engagement, attraction or retention.
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