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Building your intranet in Office 365?

Tips and tricks for building a successful intranet on Office 365.

Are you looking to build your intranet on Office 365? Curious about how Office 365 will support your intranet needs? What should you be considering when building your intranet on Office 365?

Download our new white paper:

Building a modern intranet on Office 365 [PDF | 1.2 MB | 26 pages]

Why we created this white paper

The Office 365 platform has continued to evolve and the cadence of updates and enhancements has surprised many. The intranet market has also transformed, and many enterprise organizations are leveraging platforms to build their intranet on top of.

In early 2017 we launched Go Intranet Accelerator to help organizations build phenomenal communication, collaboration, and cultural experiences in SharePoint Online and we’re humbled that several leading companies trust Go as the foundation for their intranet.

During this process, we learned a lot about what makes a good intranet in Office 365. We answered the questions, "how does a good intranet leverage and include native Office 365 features?", and what are the common features needs that organizations are looking to build on top of Office 365?"

In addition to the technical considerations, we also wanted to share some of our thinking about considerations for strategy, planning, and delivering your new intranet on Office 365.

Whether you turn to an intranet product, such as Go Intranet Accelerator, or build one yourself, we hope you enjoy working in Office 365 as much as we do!

Other resources you may find valuable:

Building the case for a move to Office 365? Check out our Insight post: How to write the right business case to move your intranet to Office 365.

Would you like to improve life at work with better communication and collaboration? Read Why we created Go and visit our product site for Go Intranet Accelerator.

We would love your feedback on these resources. Feel free to contact us and let us know what you think!