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Building your employee portal or intranet in Office 365

Ben Skelton

The vast majority of enterprise organizations host their SharePoint infrastructure on-premises, in a co-located data centre, or in a private cloud. However, many are exploring the feasibility of leveraging Office 365, or more accurately SharePoint Online, to host their employee portals, intranets, and collaboration environments.

This white paper is intended for business sponsors considering Office 365 and also architects and/or developers who are trying to reorient their teams to build solutions in SharePoint Online. We have pulled together a selection of key benefits, common concerns, important development differences, and lessons we have learned that we believe you should consider before creating an employee portal within Office 365.

Although Office 365 presents new challenges, we believe companies have just as much chance of a successful employee portal implementation on SharePoint Online. As with all technology projects we encourage you to set clear expectations of what’s possible with your internal stakeholders and believe that rather than abandoning branding and customizations, organizations consider the balance between value, adoption, and long-term manageability.

Download Building your employee portal in Office 365 [PDF | 282 KB | 22 pages]

Want a faster way to build an intranet in Office 365?

Learn how companies are creating the world’s best SharePoint and Office 365 intranets with Habanero’s Go Intranet Accelerator.