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Habanero is on GitHub

Mark Bice

At Habanero, we have some amazing developers working on a lot of cool things, including developer tools and proof-of-concepts to smaller, helpful code snippets.

There is a lot of internal knowledge that we would like to open source and share with the developer community outside of Habanero. We do this, to a degree, through our Insights posts. However, over time, these nuggets can become buried and difficult to locate unless you know exactly what to search.

GitHub is a web-based code sharing and publishing service that enables Habanero to organize and share some of our ideas with the development community. We can create public repositories (collections of code organized by concept/idea) that can be accessed by anyone and inspire a more collaborative dialogue centered on technical issues related to that code. Repositories are often called repos, for short. GitHub also makes it easy for Habanero to centralize our open sourced content and easily reference it from other areas, including Insights posts.

Take a look at some of the code we have up there now. Also, if you’re a developer, send us your feedback or log any bugs. All of our repos have issue management turned on.