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Habanero’s Kurtis Beard will be co-presenting at the Sitecore Symposium 2020

Join Habanero Creative Director Kurtis Beard at the Sitecore Symposium, October 26–28, 2020, where he’ll co-present a session with Erik Olaveson, Manager of Digital Experience at the Greater Toronto Airports Authority (GTAA).

Creating an exceptional passenger experience at Toronto Pearson Airport

Kurtis and Erik will share the mobile-first, passenger-focused and accessible website we launched in 2019 for Toronto Pearson Airport, which set a new global standard for what an airport website can deliver to passengers, businesses, employees and the community. In our session we will explore:

  • Why we chose Sitecore Managed Cloud
  • Our research and design-led approach
  • The new digital experience
  • Our future roadmap

About the Sitecore Symposium

The first all-digital Sitecore Symposium features keynote speakers, breakout sessions and networking opportunities. If you’re looking to make connections with marketers and developers across the globe, discover top marketing insights and engage with Sitecore experts, this is the event for you.

This event already happened.