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How to balance good governance with employee self-service in Microsoft Teams

Business productivity in Microsoft Teams can feel like a tug of war between IT operational governance and an empowered employee self-service experience. Employees want the ability to use the powerful collaboration tools available in Microsoft Teams, while IT administrators want to ensure good governance and limit content sprawl. Often, they end up pulling in opposite directions.

A common response to this is to restrict what employees can do in Microsoft 365, which can lead to frustration, reduced productivity and shadow IT.

What if you could create a great self-service experience with the appropriate operational oversight?

Join one of North America's leading experts in Microsoft infrastructure, Carmen Craciun, and Digital Workplace Consultant Mike Dumka, to discover the perfect approach to governance and self-service in Microsoft Teams. Through a combination of out-of-the-box features and third-party tools, we’ll show you how to empower employees while reducing the burden on your IT admin.

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Who should attend

This webinar is for digital workplace leaders who care about maximizing employee productivity in Microsoft 365. If you have past experience with approaches that felt like the wild west of content governance, we’ll help you plan a new strategy that works for everyone.

Our presenters

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This event already happened, but you can check out the recording here.