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Join us for SharePoint Saturday Calgary 2019

Dive into all things SharePoint and Office 365 at SharePoint Saturday. This free event, organized by the Calgary SharePoint & Office 365 User Group (CalSPOUG), brings together administrators, end users, architects, developers, and other respected professionals who work with Microsoft SharePoint technologies to explore real world experiences, lessons learned, and best practices.

Date: Saturday, November 2nd, 2019

Time: 8am – 4:30pm

Place: Heritage Hall (SAIT) 1301 16TH Avenue NW, Calgary

Learn more about how we’re changing the world of work. Drop by our booth to meet our team or attend one of our sessions:

Un-suck your work with experience design

Level: 100

To see meaningful returns, companies need to balance their investment in digital experience with an equal investment in employee experience. In this session, James Sloane, director of employee experience at Habanero Consulting Group, will share techniques used by our digital workplace consultants to design great digital and employee experiences.

You’ll learn:

Working with SharePoint modern: Insights from a consultant, designer, and developer

Level: 100

Track: Security/Compliance, Collaboration, Developer, End-User/End Point, Change Management/Adoption, Case Study/Scenario, Upgrade/Migration, Strategy/Business/ExecutiveExplore

SharePoint modern from the perspective of a consultant, designer, and developer. In this session, James Sloane, Danielle Kovacic, and Michael Armstrong from Habanero Consulting Group will share their insights into working with this ever-evolving platform. They’ll discuss real-world examples and lessons learned, drawing on their experiences working with a large North American construction company to develop a new employee portal and digital workplace on SharePoint modern.

You’ll learn:

This event already happened.