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Habanero is presenting at the Vancouver Office 365 User Group Meetup

Strategy master skills for planning a meaningful digital workplace.

We’ll be one of two guest presenters at the next Office 365 User Group (VanO365) Meetup in Vancouver. We hope to see you there!

On the first Thursday of every month, VanO365 members gather to network (with pizza and refreshments!) and share insights related to Microsoft SharePoint and Office365 technologies.

Habanero Director of Product and Services Brian Edwards and Senior Consultant Barbara Richards will present “Strategy master skills for planning a meaningful digital workplace.”

With so many options in Office 365, determining what tool to use when can be challenging. Brian and Barbara will introduce you to a strategic planning approach that turns the “what tool to use when” question on its head.

You’ll learn:

VanO365 attendees will also hear from Gilbert Okello from Steeves and Associates, who will present "End-to-end timesheet processing using PowerApps."

Resources from the event:

Presentation: Strategy master skills (PDF)

Roadmap (Excel)

Roadmap (InDesign)

Journey mapping workshop toolkit (.ZIP)

Empathy maps (PDF)

Feature idea cards (PDF)