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Habanero to support your records management journey at 2017 ARMA Canada conference

Habanero will be leading three sessions at 2017 ARMA Canada Conference.

Which trends and technologies are affecting records-management practices?

What are the risks and benefits of moving document management to the cloud?

How do you build ownership, adoption, and support for your organization’s records-management initiative?

If you’re a records-management professional, these questions are probably on your mind. They’re on ours, too, because they’re pathways to creating exceptional workplace experiences.

At the 2017 ARMA Canada Conference, we’ll be sharing the top lessons learned from our research and work. In three separate sessions on May 29 and 30, Habanero consultants Natalie VeldhoenBrian Edwards and Ben Skelton will talk about records management and the modern workplace, what to consider when moving your document-management solution to the cloud, and how to build an effective records-management roadmap.

This event already happened, but you can check out our insight post about records-management adoption.