Meghan Armstrong speaks at CanUX 2016
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User Experience Consultant Meghan Armstrong will present at the 2016 CanUX conference in Ottawa. The event runs from November 11 to 13 at the Canadian Museum of History.
The talk will share how teams can make the invisible visible, especially in terms of facilitating design teams to expose findings earlier and build change momentum throughout the process, like primary research and pre- analysis, co-creation and sharing. Meghan will touch on some of the techniques we use to do this in our own projects, including sketching, empathy mapping, and personas.
CanUX is an independent, locally-grown, non-profit, volunteer-driven event created for people who want to learn and share their expertise about user experience, and how the profession contributes to making things work better for everyone. It is the longest running annual UX event in Canada.
Learn more about Meghan’s talk and the CanUX conference
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