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Habanero presents at SharePoint Saturday Toronto

On July 9, we’re presenting how the latest digital workplace trends are changing organizations at SharePoint Saturday Toronto.

Ben Skelton, vice-president, and Brian Edwards, director of products and services, will cover some of the major shifts in the market and show how to put them to use in an intranet or broader digital workplace strategy. With the release of SharePoint 2016 and the constant stream of new features and updates to Office 365, many organizations are re-evaluating how they use intranets and other collaboration tools in the context of their digital workplace.

SharePoint Saturday Toronto is a free annual event for SharePoint and Office 365 professionals in southern Ontario. The event is hosted at Microsoft Canada headquarters in Mississauga.

Habanero is proud to be a gold sponsor and support the SharePoint community in the Toronto region.

This event already happened, but you can check out our insight post about successful collaboration with Office 365 here.