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Habanero is proud to co-present the 2016 Vancouver User Experience Awards.

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The third annual Vancouver User Experience Awards recognize the Lower Mainland’s vibrant UX community and provide a place to showcase the incredible work local user experience professionals create every day.

This year's awards program features categories such as UX by Students, UX for Good, UX for Emerging Experiences, UX for Products, UX for Marketing, People’s Choice, and Best UX. Submissions are judged on five elements: joy, clarity, elegance, innovation and impact.

This year's judges include Miles Nurse from Unbounce, Ryan Opina from Engine Digital, Julian Richards from SAP, Jacqueline Antalik from OpenRoad Communications, Dominique Bohn from the BC Government, Chris Masterton of UBC and Masterton UX, and Jordan Hesse from Finger Food Studios.

Awards will be presented at the 2016 Vancouver User Experience Awards gala on November 16 and tickets are available on the awards website. Kharis O’Connell, Head of Product at the innovative virtual and mixed reality studio Archiact, is the keynote speaker on the topic of the future of UX. Habanero’s Mallory O’Connor will be the MC for the event.

The Vancouver User Experience Awards are co-presented by Habanero Consulting Group, OpenRoad, POWERSHiFTER, and the Vancouver User Experience Group. Sponsors for this year's awards include Sitecore, Samsung, Telus Digital, Microsoft, SAP, Finger Food, Clio, BrainStation, Apply Digital, Blueprint UX, Adobe, BDC, Iamota, Modern Advisor, Niiu Digital, Number 41, Saul Good Co., Unbounce, Invoke, Make, VFS and Foodee.

Learn more about the Vancouver User Experience Awards.

This event already happened, but you can check out our news and events page to see where else we will be!