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The Vancouver User Experience Awards are back!

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Habanero is proud to co-present the 2016 Vancouver User Experience Awards.

The Vancouver User Experience Awards recognize the Lower Mainland’s vibrant UX community and provide a place to showcase the incredible work local user experience professionals create every day.

This year's awards program features categories such as UX for Marketing, UX for Enterprise, UX for Good, UX by Students, UX Superheroes, and Best UX. Submissions are judged on five elements: joy, simplicity, elegance, impact, and innovation.

This year's judges include Niamh Redmond of Hootsuite, Lynsey Thornton of Shopify, Jonathan Suter of SimpleTax, Steve Fisher of The Republic of Quality, Haig Armen of Emily Carr University and Interaction Design Agency, and Blair Neufeld of the B.C. provincial government.

Awards will be presented at the 2015 Vancouver User Experience Awards gala on November 25. Tickets are available on the awards website. Jessie Adcock, the City of Vancouver's chief digital officer, is the keynote speaker.

The Vancouver User Experience Awards are co-present by Habanero Consulting Group, OpenRoad, and the Vancouver User Experience Group. Sponsors for this year's awards include Niiu Digital Inc., FCV Interactive, Samsung, TELUS Digital, Global Relay, POWERSHiFTER, Mobify, and iQmetrix.

Learn more about the Vancouver User Experience Awards.

This event already happened, but you can find out where else we will be on our news and events page!